Rad Reading – November

This month I read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K Rowling. In the book, we follow the story of an eleven year old boy named Harry Potter. Harry is a wizard, but he does not know it. Since his parents died, he was taken in by his aunt and their family and they hated magic and magical people. Since they knew Harry was magical, they also hated him and abused him. When Harry turned eleven the magical school for people of his kind called Hogwarts, sent in letters to enroll him. His aunt and uncle were enraged by this and tried to hide them, but there were too many. Following this, they left the house and went to a hidden location to hide. The principal’s helper, Hagrid, eventually found them and told Harry that he was a wizard and then took him away to go to school. On the train to school Harry meets Ron and they become best friends. They meet Hermione following this, but they are not too fond of her as they believe she is a Know-it-all. Before being sorted, Harry meets a blonde boy named Draco Malfoy who offers to befriend him. However, Harry declined his offer. Later in the novel Harry and Ron learn to become best friends with Hermione and they have fun together. After his first flying lesson and standing up to Malfoy, Professor McGonagall sees his talent and appoints him as the new seeker for Gryffindor. As the year progresses, they learn about an object called the Sorcerer’s Stone. They then learn that bad people have gotten to it and with their hard work and determination through trials and tribulations with one another, together they protect it from villains and save the day.

I liked this book because not only was it incredibly entertaining, but it immerses you in the story as well. You feel like you are there with the characters and it really helps you paint a picture of what it is like there and how life is for the trio. Also, this book teaches a lesson that you should always stick by your friends no matter what.

My favorite character is Hagrid. Hagrid is a very loyal character. One quote that proves this is “Never insult Albus Dumbledore in front of me”. This quote proves that Hagrid is loyal because he protects Dumbledore from being hurt and he defends Dumbledore. He aggressively makes sure that this doesn’t happen again, or at least not in front of him.

My favorite quote from this book is “It’s Wingardium LevioSA, not LevioSAR”. This quote is meaningful to me because it shows how much Hermione cares about academics. As someone who also cares about academics, I can relate to this quote. It also shows how Hermione wants everyone to strive to do their best. I also want this so I can relate to this quote even more.

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