Archive | December 2023

Principal for the Day

If I was principal for the day I would do five things. The first thing would be to get better school lunches. As a student here I get lunch everyday from school because I am too lazy to pack my own lunch. When I get my food the first thing I notice is that it does not taste good. In my opinion we need better food and more options. The second thing I would do is build a Starbucks at school. My favorite thing to do is to get Starbucks to make me feel better after a hard day. Having a Starbucks at school would also make me want to go to school more so I could get Starbucks. This would also help with the bad cafeteria food situation. The third thing I would do is cancel school for the day because everyone deserves a break. The fourth thing I would do is get rid of tests because they just cause anxiety and we can find better ways to teach. The fifth and final thing I would change is the bathrooms because they are very gross and I would put seat covers in them so I wouldn’t have to touch the nasty toilet seat. I would also how automatic toilet flushers because people are gross. These are the five things I would do if I was principal for a day.