Archive | January 2024

Rad Reading – January

The book I read this month was Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. I have not finished yet, but I am on page 137. This book is about a girl names Bella Swan who is seventeen years old. Bella decides to move to Forks, Washington to live with her dad, Charlie because her mom got married to Phil who is always moving around since he plays baseball. Bella didn’t want to hold her mom back from going with Phil so she moved to Forks. At Forks she meets Edward Cullen and falls in love with him. Then she figures out Edward is a vampire and that puts her in danger. However,Bella is so in love with Edward that she can’t leave him even if it puts her life at stake.

I liked this book because it always keeps you on the edge of your chair and it makes you not want to put the book away even when it’s 3am and your moms yells at you and takes everything away and then your cranky the next day. I also liked this book because it was full of action and it never got boring.

My favorite character from the book is Alice, Edward’s adopted sister. She is my favorite because she is very welcoming towards Bella and when Bella gets sick, Alice was the one to bring Bella’s truck back. Alice also just cares a lot about people. She is also always there for her boyfriend jasper when he is having a rough time.

My favorite quote is “About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him-and I didn’t know how potent that part might be-that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.” Pg. 83. This is my favorite quote because Meyer really gets the feeling across on how much Bella loves Edward. I also like this quote because it shows Bella’s realization that she loves Edward and that he is a vampire and is dangerous to her, but she loves him anyways.

My Favorite Dumbledore quote

My favorite quote from Dumbledore is “We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.” To me, this quote means that even though you may want to do the easiest thing for you, you must think of other people and not yourself. You should always think of others before you act and do what you think is right. This quote relates to me the most because I always want to take the easy way out even though it might not make others happy. In the end, I know I have to do whats right, even if it takes a little more effort. It is very easy to find yourself in a situation where you want to do whatever is easiest and most convenient for you, but in those times you should think of this quote and the other people around you. Always do what is right, even if it is hard for you or not as convenient.

My Hero

Katherine is my hero. She is my hero because she is very kind. Whenever I am sad, Katherine is always there to make me feel better. I know I can always talk to her about anything and she will never judge me. I also look up to Katherine because she is such a good friends. Katherine never talks bad about her friends and is very trustworthy. I like that I don’t have to worry that Katherine will tell everyone my secrets. I can tell her anything and she wont go around telling everyone. Kathrine is also very smart. She always helps me if I am stuck in class and don’t know what to do because she listens and I don’t. She always explains to me what to do clearly and in a way that I can understand. These are only three reasons why Katherine is my hero although there are so many more.


My word of intention for 2024 is self-love. There are 3 different reasons I want to work on self-love in 2024. The first reason is to be happy with myself. Since I am very insecure, this year I really want to feel confident in my body. The second reason is, if I’m happy with my body, my mental health will be better and I will have a better mindset. Having a good mindset is important for me because then I will be more confident at school and not second guess myself which will help me succeed in school. The third and final reason is because I deserve to love myself and be confident with my own body. Since I have been bullied for my body in the past, it has been hard for me to be comfortable in my body. I know that I might not fully accomplish loving myself in 2024, but that is ok. As long as I try my hardest, I will be very happy with myself.

Rad Reading – December

This month I read Nightfall, by Shannon Messenger. I have not finished this book. I am on page 529. So far, Sophie, the main character’s parents were kidnapped by the neverseen. Now Sophie must find them before they go insane. While this is happening Sophie is also trying to figure out why the neverseen have been lighting fires all over the human world. Sophie must go to nightfall to try and find her parents. When she gets there, she realizes that her parents aren’t there, but there is someone there. It is Alvar. Alvar was a member of the neverseen. Sophie takes him back home so they can ask him questions to find out more about the neverseen. Alvar is in a coma so Sophie and her friends and a doctor named Livvy have to try to wake him up. Then they find out that there is a second nightfall where her parents might be. They know it is somewhere in Atlantis, but they have to try to find it. Now they are looking to find it. That is where I stopped reading. I liked this book because it was very mysterious. This book makes me feel like I know exactly what is going to happen next, but then something completely different that what I thought happens. This book also teaches you to dig deeper into the meaning of things and not let it just pass by you. My favorite character in this book is Keefe. I like Keefe because he is always ready to go into action. One quote from the book that proves this is “Foster, you know I could never stay in bed for a week.” This quote shows that he still wants to help even when he is hurt and will be ready to get back into it as soon as he is better. He also keeps everything happy by making silly jokes to lighten the mood. My favorite quote from this book is “Keefe raised one eyebrow.” “You ok  there, Foster? Your mood seems to be making some sudden shifts.” “ Yeah. Because I’m trying to decide if I can shove you off the stairs without knocking Bianna down” “I can jump out of the way,” Biana offered. “I can give him an extra shove as he tumbles by,” Tam added. ” I’d come up there and do it myself, but I’m trying to be a good brother and wait for my slothlike sister.” This quote shows that even in rough times, a joke can always lighten the mood. This also shows how close of a relationship these friends have to be able to joke around like this. I can relate to this because I love joking around with my friends.