My Favorite 7th Grade Memories

I had a great school year and lots of amazing memories, but here are my favorite. My favorite memory from my History class was when we learned a dance from Ms. Moffat’s culture. It was very fun dancing in class because we don’t normally do that. I also loved the read aloud because it was very relaxing and it got me ready for the class. Another one of my favorite memories was preforming at Knights at the Movies (KatM) with my schools choir and the high schools choir. I loved preform but I also loved watching my older friends that are in high school preform. The last memory I will share today was when there was an earthquake in my English class. At first I just thought someone’s backpack fell but then I realized it was an earthquake! It wasn’t very scary because earthquakes happen often where I live so it was kind of exciting because I hadn’t felt a big earthquake in a while. We have many tiny earthquakes but you can barely feel them. This earthquake measured at a magnitude of 4.3 so you could definitely feel it. I have made many great memories in my seventh grade year, but these are my favorites. I can’t wait to make more memories in 8th grade next year!

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