Rad Reading – April

This month I read Family of Liars by E. Lockhart. This book is a prequel to the book We Were Liars that is also by E. Lockheart. The novel is about Carrie, the mother of Johnny, a character from the previous book, and her summer experience when she was seventeen on the private island. This book is written in Carrie’s perspective and it was like she was telling it from when it happened. (kind of like a diary). In this book it explains the relationships and hardships Carrie experienced during her summer. She also learns many secrets about her family. Similar to the first book, this book has a huge plot twist about 3/4 of the way through the book. I for sure never saw it coming at all by the way the We Were Liars book was written. I loved this book because of the huge plot twist that really drew me in. I also loved the romance between Carrie and another character that I can’t say because I don’t want to spoil this amazing book. My favorite character is Yardley because of how much she cares about her cousin Carrie. She also reminds me of my cousins Toby and Amelia. They are always so kind to me and always listen to my problems just like Yardley always listens to Carrie’s problems. My favorite quote from Yardley is “…and I told Penny off as well. I called her the b-word and the f-word and a lot of other words.” This quote shows how loyal Yardley is to Carrie because since Penny is also her family, it would be easy to forgive her but since Yardley is loyal to Carrie she doesn’t forgive Penny. My favorite quote from the whole novel has to be “I don’t even have my real face anymore, I don’t even know who I see in the mirror.” I love this quote because at first I thought Carrie meant she didn’t recognize herself anymore because of her jaw surgery, but after I thought about it now I realize that it is not just because of her jaw surgery, it is also because Carrie has changed so much and not just physically, but also mentally. I also loved this quote because it really made me think.

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