My Gracious Grandmother

My grandma, Granna, is one of my most favorite people in the world. She is always so kind to me and always knows how to make me feel better. For example, whenever I am sad and crying she makes me or brings be food and takes me shopping or watches a movie with me which always makes me feel better. My favorite thing about my Granna is her laugh. Whenever she laughs it always makes me feel better no matter what is going on. She has a very deep belly laugh and whenever I hear it, I know it comes from her heart and she really thinks something is funny. I also love her sneezes. When she sneezes it’s never just one. She just keeps going and going and at first you think she is dying, but she isn’t. I also think it’s hilarious when she falls down the stars but is ok. It’s so funny how she tumbled down, I love so many things about my grandmother but these are some of my favorite things. One of my favorite memories from her is going to an ice cream place called Archie’s. I remember always walking there and pushing my baby doll in a stroller that Granna got for me. Another one of my favorite memories is when we were having a sleepover because my mother was in labor with my youngest sister, Ava. This memory occurred 3,010 days ago as of the day I’ve written this, May 8 2024. I remember waking up to Granna’s pacing and she was on the phone. Then she started crying and my little almost 5 year old mind had no idea what could be wrong. Then she told me that my baby sister was born. I was so happy it was a girl. These are just some of the amazing things my grandmother has done.

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