20% Project – Week 6

This is my last week for actual work time and I decided to spend it working on my crochet that will cover my trifold. Since I was sick, I decided to work on single crochet that will border my trifold. I accomplished making enough chain to cover the border. I struggled to find glue at my house though. I’m 100% sure I will not get to make the sweater I was planning to make. I didn’t realize hows hard it would be to learn to crochet. Next week I will just work on presenting and having an outline of what I am going to say. I am pretty nervous to present in front of my peers but I know that if I just focus on what I am saying I will not mess up. I am exited for the evening event because I will get to see my friends and have fun. It will also be exiting to show off what I learned and did to my family and friends.

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